You might have an amazing date coming ahead and all of a sudden pimple appears. What an unlucky time for this to happen. Nevertheless, do not panic as there are many solutions. If you are looking forward for the best answers to the question – how to get rid of pimples fast then read on as you have reached the right spot. Grab these facts for gaining the most beautiful skin, which you have always desired for.
A pimple is an ordinary skin situation, which affects many people. It is the skin inflammations, where sebaceous glands (or the oil glands) happen to be infected by bacteria. It then swells up and fills with pus. Excess secretions of sebum by oil glands are major reasons behind this problem. Pimples normally occur on neck, face, back as well as shoulders. They are not a serious condition but a pimple can make an individual feel miserable. There are many medicines and lotions for treating pimples. However, they might take time. Many natural ways are very effective to treat pimples just within short time. All you need is to be aware of these tricks. If you are wondering as to what they are then read the rest of this article.
How To Get Rid Of Pimples Fast?
Below are the 5 easy to help you get rid of pimples fast
1. Ice
This is one of the perfect remedies to get rid of pimples fast. Ice assists in enhancing the overall blood circulation on the affected part. It helps in freezing up the pores and removes dirt as well as oil that have been accumulated. You can either use crushed ice or ice cubes, which you feel is convenient.

- Take ice pieces and wrap them up in a clean cloth. Hold it at the infected part for few seconds.
- Wait for certain minutes and then again repeat the procedure
When you do this many times in a day, it helps to reduce swelling and instantly soothes your skin.
2. Lemon
The answer to the question how to get rid of pimples fast is almost incomplete if I do not write about this particular ingredient. Lemon is a rich source of vitamin C. Therefore, the juice of lemon helps in reducing the pimples faster. Make sure that you are using fresh juice of lemon and not those bottled ones with preservatives.

- You need to dip a clean cotton piece into lemon juice and then apply it over the affected part before sleeping at night.
- You can even make a fine paste with a combination of 1 tablespoon lemon juice with a tablespoon cinnamon powder. Apply this on pimples and leave it overnight. When you wake up in the morning, wash it off with warm water. On the other hand, if you have sensitive skin, then avoid using this remedy.
3. Steam
Yet another amazing way on how to get rid of pimples fast is utilizing steam. Steam can do wonders on your pimples. Steam helps in opening up the pores and lets the skin to properly breathe. It helps in getting rid of bacteria, oil and dirt that has been trapped inside the pores.

- Fill a big container with boiling water and then let steam come into contact with the face for few minutes.
- Now rinse your face with warm water and pat dry.
- Apply a good quality moisturizer.
4. Peppermint
Another effective method on how to get rid of pimples fast is none other than peppermint. It is the most powerful herb helping an individual to eliminate pimples faster. The soothing and calming effect of menthol present inside peppermint reduces redness and irritation that has been caused due to pimples. It has many antiviral and antibacterial properties that kill the pimple-causing bacteria.

- Crush few peppermint leaves
- Extract its juice
- Apply this fresh juice on the pimples
- Leave it for about 10 minutes
- Wash off with cold water
If you happen to not find peppermint leaves, then you can even make use of peppermint oil. Apply few drops of this oil on the pimples and massage. Then rinse it off with cold water.
5. Cucumber
It will be injustice if I do not write about this ingredient when it comes to how to get rid of pimples fast. Cucumbers are rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and potassium. It has soothing and cooling effect on your skin.

- Cut 2 to 3 fresh cucumber pieces
- Soak these pieces in cold water for 30 minutes as this will help all the nutrients to transfer into water
- Strain off the water and then drink it or you can even wash your face with it.
You can even make a fine paste by grinding cucumber with few drops of water. Apply this mixture on your face and leave it until your skin completely absorbs. Wash off with cold water.
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