When Is The Best Time To Take Vitamins?

When Is The Best Time To Take Vitamins?

There are many people in this world who take vitamins and minerals for various reasons. Minerals like calcium, iron and copper as well as vitamin B, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin C, vitamin K, and vitamin E. We get most of the minerals from our food that helps us in strengthening our teeth, bones, and immune system. Overall health is improved by these nutrients. They also boost the energy. The question that arises is when is the best time to take vitamins? I have listed out some specific timings in which you can take the desired vitamins. It is very vital to consult with your doctor before taking any vitamins as you might be allergic to some.

when is the best time to take vitamins

Best Time To Take Vitamins

1. In The Morning

Morning is the time when your body does not contain any nutrients and needs extra energy to make your body function in the proper way. Make sure to always take vitamins or supplements within the period of thirty minutes after having your breakfast. Try to take a high amount of protein, calcium and fruits in your breakfast. There are some vitamins that give stimulating effects like vitamin C and vitamin B12. There are some people whose body is very sensitive to stimulation. Due to this reason it may cause sleep disturbance. It is recommended to not to take it at the bedtime. Make sure to talk to your doctor before starting vitamins.

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2. With Meals

There is a variety of multivitamins, vitamins as well as combinations. It depends on the nature and function of the nutrients if you want to decide the time for consumption. You can find many of the nutrients and vitamins in the normal food. You can digest and absorb them in a better way if taken with a meal. That is why it is advised by most of the doctors to take vitamin supplements at the time of the meal.

3. Take Regularly

Some of the fat soluble vitamins are Vitamin D, Vitamin A, Vitamin K and Vitamin E. With the help of some excretory products, the water soluble vitamins get eliminated from the body like urine. On the other hand, these fat soluble vitamins get stored in the body. Due to this reason it is a must that you take regular intake of water soluble vitamins. It is advised by the doctors to split your vitamins to have proper absorption and digestion level. Do not forget to visit a doctor in case of need.

4. Multiple Pills Together

There are two types of people in this world, one who take several types of supplements or pills in a day and others who take one multivitamin in a day. To get some knowledge, it is very important to know the breakdown of vitamins in every type. For example, there are some types of vitamins that work best when mixed with other vitamins and on the flip side you will find some that works independently. If we talk about vitamin D and magnesium, then both of them help in calcium absorption if consumed together. Most of us knows that vitamin C helps the body to absorb iron. It will be a good idea if you take supplements of vitamin C or orange juice with other multivitamins. If you do not have a balanced and healthy diet, make sure you do not take those pills that act against each other.

Tips For Taking Minerals and Vitamins

1. Pay Extra Attention Towards Calcium and Iron Interaction

You must be knowing that doctors recommend to take supplements after the meals but it is very vital to understand the link between those vitamins that work best together and those who do not. People who are suffering from osteoporosis and anemia take iron for anemia and calcium for osteoporosis. They are advised to take iron and calcium on different timings like iron in the morning and calcium some other time of the day. If you do not take them separately, it will fight in your alimentary tract for absorption. Do not take multiple minerals at once – otherwise you can get stomach acid imbalance.

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2. Stay Alert With Vitamin E and Vitamin K Interaction

There are some vitamins that can act in a negative way in contact with other nutrients. A Large amount of vitamin E can obstruct the ability of vitamin K. As this vitamin works best with the blood clotting but with the interaction of another vitamin there can be an increase in the risk of bleeding.

3. Take Folic Acid and Vitamin B12 Together

It is very vital to take folic acid and vitamin B12 together to get the best results. If you take folic acid supplements individually, you may end up getting anemia that is caused by the deficiency of the vitamin B12. It can also lead to nerve damage that is impossible to get reversed.

4. Take Notes Of RDAs

Though the recommended daily allowances of each vitamin and mineral are already specified in the multivitamins package, still it is very necessary for you to read the label. If your diet is already filled with nutrient rich food, you can use the lower potency of vitamins. Some of the foods are vegetables, complex carbohydrates, and fruits. You can also check with official websites to know whether you are consuming the right amount of supplements or not.

Vitamins and Supplements You Can Take Personally

It is just an example of taking sufficient amount of supplements based on research. Make sure you consult with a doctor before following it. So, the daily protocol is as follows:

Morning on Empty Stomach

• Four capsules of CapraColostrum
• 1 packet of TianChi herbs
• You can also take your injury supplements if you have done very hard work or is low on sleep.

With Breakfast

• Four capsules of SuperEssentials fish oil
• Three tablets of Creatine

Mid Morning

• 1 packet of Lifeshotz Vitamin B and C
• Five to ten drops of oil of oregano

Thirty minutes before any hard work out

• Five tablets of amino acids
• Two capsules of oxaloacetate
• 1 bottle of X2Performance

Thirty Minutes Before Dinner

• For blood sugar control MPX100 Bitter Melon Extract

Before Bed

• 1 tbsp of magnesium

Vitamins You Should Not Take

If you are taking vitamin supplements every day, you need to take it regularly. Most of you must be knowing that taking vitamins is very essential for the life as deficiency of vitamins can hurt you. To get a little bit healthier, vitamins are an inexpensive way.

You can find vitamins in any of the grocery stores and mega marts. It is imperative to take the vitamins in the right amount otherwise you can get affected in a negative way. You will not get any benefit with the supplements of the vitamins if you are already dealing with the problem of vitamin deficiency. Mega doses of vitamins can harm you even more.

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So, the top five vitamins that you should not take are

1. Vitamin C: You will find plenty of vitamin C in fresh vegetables and fruits. In early days, there were some sailors who used to die from the problem of scurvy. It is caused by the lack of vitamin C. Due to woefully misguided efforts of Linus Pauling; vitamin C gained the popularity. It is a myth that vitamin C can cure or prevent cold. Though vitamin C is quite safe but the overdose can lead to severe issues. It can also enhance the risk of kidney stones, and that is excruciatingly painful.

2. Vitamin A and beta-carotene: Vitamin C, A, and E are the anti-oxidants. It plays a great role in the vision, but too much of it can affect you in a negative way and can cause you multiple side effects. Make sure you take it with the recommendation of the doctor. Vitamin A is termed as the most beneficial vitamin for the people, but it can also be termed as poisonous for some.

3. Vitamin E: It is a very popular supplement. It is a myth that it is an anti-cancer agent. Some of the authors believed that the cancer risk gets increased for those men who are taking vitamin E.

4. Vitamin B6: It comes in the family of B vitamins. Most of the foods contain B6 and B12, so the deficiencies of these are not are very rare. So, it is very essential for you to understand that taking vitamin B6 supplements for a longer time can be very harmful to you. It can cause severe nerve damage, and you can lose the control of your bodily movements.

5. Multi-vitamins: It is a very important one. More than 40 percent of Americans take multivitamins, but it must be good for them. In a research, it has been shown that over the twenty-five years it has been found the risk of death has increased with the regular use of multivitamins. The research shows the symptoms mostly happened on the women. Some of the vitamins that are involved in this are magnesium, vitamin B6, iron, folic acid, copper, and zinc. You cannot deny the fact that death is a quite bad outcome.

According to researchers, it has been proved that these vitamins can harm you badly. It is very vital to take a note of everything as a lot of things will affect you negatively.

People think that vitamins help in boosting the immune system. They do not help in reducing the stress, not also promote the joint health and do not even help in preventing common ailments and cold.

So, as an individual, you should ignore the marketing strategies of the companies and treat all the supplements like any other medicine. Do not take it in bulk and play much amount of caution while taking it. Before taking vitamin supplements on a regular basis, do consult with your doctor. Try taking natural fruits and vegetables instead of depending on the vitamins to be on the safe side. For example, only hundred grams of spinach contains enough amount of vitamin C, A, K, E and B. It also carries minerals that include calcium and iron.

Benefits Of Vitamin B12

Instead of taking a combination of vitamins or multivitamins you can go with vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is that nutrient that keeps healthy, nerve cells and important for the DNA synthesis. It also prevents the type of anemia that is termed as megaloblastic anemia. This anemia makes the person weak and tired.
Vitamin B12 is found in a wide variety of animal foods and is also added to some prepared foods. No vitamin B12 is present in the plant foods unless they get fortified. To increase the intake of vitamin B12 in your diet, you can include these foods:

  • Best sources of vitamin B21 are Clams and beef liver
  • Some other foods like meat, fish, milk, eggs, and many more dairy products are rich in Vitamin B12.
  • Nutritional yeasts, breakfast cereals and few more food products that are prepared with the help of Vitamin B12. You can also check some of the product labels to find out if vitamin B12 is added to the food or not.

Some deficiency symptoms of vitamin B12 are the weakness, tiredness, loss of appetite, constipation, megaloblastic anemia and weight loss. Some nerve problems like tingling and numbness in the feet and hands can also occur. Lack of Vitamin B12 also includes some problems like depression, balance, dementia, confusion, soreness of the tongue or mouth and poor memory. It is very vital for treating the deficiency of the vitamin 12 otherwise it can also damage the nervous system of those who are not having anemia.

Signs of Vitamin 12 deficiency in infants include problems with the movement, failure to thrive, megaloblastic anemia and problem in reaching the normal developmental milestones.

To hide the deficiency of the vitamin B12, folic acid is very useful. Though folic acid is very necessary but it does not hide the damage happened to the nervous system. Due to this reason it is not advised to the healthy adults to take more than 1000 mcg of folic acid in a day.

Make sure you take a proper amount of vitamin B12 to lead a healthy life. Consult with your doctor regarding the dosage of the vitamin B12. Now you know when is the best time to take vitamins? Take the desired amount of vitamins and minerals as prescribed by your healthcare professional.

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