There is nothing more hurting than to see your dog in pain. Infection, illness, depression and injuries are some of the common reasons behind it which often makes a pet owner to ask – what can you give a dog for pain. A dog doesn’t completely understands what it is going through unless it experiences some sort of pain. No matter what the reason is, it is distressing to see this and you would soon want to see your pet happy and sound again. Here is what you should know.
What Can You Give Dogs For Pain?

When a dog suffers pain, it can be a very scaring scenario. It can often make dogs to go aggressive. At such an emergency, you will often need to a quick tip to make your dog overcome its pain. And there can nothing be better than few over-the-counter medications. Though most of which we use aren’t intended for canines but still there are some, which are reported to be safe for dogs and can potentially lessen the pain they go through. So, any day if you see your dog in pain and don’t have much time to take it to a vet, you can consider the below options.
- Pepto-Bismol
Pepto-Bismol (regular strength) could be given for different intestinal issues like upset stomach, diarrhea, gas and vomiting. The dosage should not exceed 0.5ml to 1ml for every pound (1-teaspoon per 20-lbs). It can be given at every 6 to 8 hours. However, this isn’t advised for nursing or pregnant dogs or the ones that have bleeding disorders. On the other hand, it is highly toxic to a cat.
- Aspirin
Since the topic is about, what can I give my dog for pain, aspirin cannot be missed. If given in right proportion to your pet, it is safe and heals its pain in no time. It is also well known to lessen swelling, inflammation and fever in dogs. To simply put, aspirin can be used on a short-term basis for treating minor aches & pains. Neverthess. You got to be very cautious regarding the dosage. It should be between 5-mg & 10-mg for every pound of your dog’s weight. You can give it two times a day but not more than this. And anything over 30-mg for every lb — it is toxic. Especially, if you are giving aspirin to a puppy, pay more attention on the dose because its kidneys and liver are still immature to metabolize a medication like aspirin.
- Hydrogen Peroxide 3%
Suppose, you suspect that your dog has ingested something dangerous, contact your vet right away. He or she might suggest you to make use of hydrogen peroxide in order to make your dog vomit. Give 0.5 or 1-teaspoon of it for every 10 pounds of your dog’s weight. Use an eyedropper or syringe for best results. Allow it to take an affect. This usually takes about 15 – 20 minutes but don’t exceed 3 doses. Never induce vomiting in case your pet has ingested any sharp object, acid, cleaning product or petroleum ointment.
- Tylenol
So, what can you give a dog for pain apart from the above? Though Tylenol is often said to work for dog’s pain, but as far as I have researched about it experts do not recommend this for some reasons. In fact, it is claimed to be very toxic at times. Even giving in low doses can trigger serious issues in your dog. I am writing this to only make you aware so that you don’t end up killing your own dog. It is highly advised to check with a vet before deciding to give Tylenol for your dog. If your veterinarian gives that ‘go ahead’ sign, still be very careful with the dosage. Normal Tylenol dosage for dogs is 5-mg for every pound and shouldn’t be given more than 3 times in a day (once in every 8 hours). Harmful side effects of Tylenol in dogs is said to be often with its kidney and liver. It damages extremely. Better to avoid the risk!
- Benadryl
If your dog suffers pain out of any allergic reaction. Say for example, itchiness and swelling, then consider giving Benadryl. Typical dosage for your dog is suggested to be 1-mg for every 25-lbs. And give only twice in a day. Benadryl tablet comes in 25-mg tablet and if your dog weighs 25-lbs, 1 tablet is sufficient to overcome his pain.
- Imodium
Anti-diarrheal drugs, which contain Ioperamide like Imodium could be given to dogs, especially if it suffers inflammatory bowel diseases or diarrhea. Standard Imodium tablets are usually of 2-mg and if your dog is more than 20-lbs, then you can consider giving 1-mg for every pound. On the other hand, if your dog is under 20-lbs, make sure to give in liquid form. Let me also clear you that herding breeds could have adverse reactions too. Therefore, it is highly advised to never give this pill to Collies, Australian Shepherds, McNabs, Long-haired whippets & silken windhounds.
- Mineral Oil
Using mineral oil to treat constipations is considered 100% safe for both humans and canines. However, it is still better to be careful with dosage, especially when you are giving it to your dog. If your dog has mild constipation, consider giving 1-teaspoon for every 10-lbs of weight. And make sure to give it with food & is never directly into its mouth. Use only on short-term basis because it can easily interfere with your dog’s mineral absorption.
- Pedialyte
If you still want to know what else can you give your dog for pain, then read this. If your pet is been vomiting or is suffering from diarrhea, then chances are that he or she is dehydrated. At such times, pedialyte could be of great help. Since it is an oral electrolyte solution, it can replace essential minerals & fluids. Just mix the solution in equal proportions of water. Also note that this medication is only for dogs and not cats. On the other hand, if your dog is young, probably under 20-lbs, lactating or pregnant, consult your vet before giving.
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