How To Prepare Your Body For Pregnancy? – 11 Important Tips

How To Prepare Your Body For Pregnancy? – 11 Important Tips

How to prepare your body for pregnancy? This might be the question frequently running in your mind if you are planning to grow your family. With some significant changes of 6 months to 12 months prior conceiving, you can make sure that as a mother, you are certainly creating the finest possible atmosphere for your little bun in an oven to properly grow & thrive. This article entirely focuses on how to prepare your body for pregnancy. Let us look in detail.

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Below are the 11 important things, you must do for preparing your body for the pregnancy.

How To Prepare Your Body For Pregnancy?

How to prepare your body for pregnancy

If you are just planning for a baby within few weeks or few months or already at the pregnancy stage, these tips can always help you.

1. Have A Positive Mind

Now that you have decided to get heavy with child, you should have a positive and clear mind. Start focusing on a healthy lifestyle.

2. Concentrate On Your Nutrition

The next essential thing on how to prepare your body for pregnancy is none other than to choose organic foods that are rich in nutrition. You need to eat ten servings of fresh vegetables and fruits of various colors every single day. The bold, deep colors of vegetables and fruits are entirely packed with antioxidants and health building nutrients. Stay away from processed, packaged and sugary foods. Target on a diet comprising of plant-based foodstuffs.

3. Eat Fresh Always

When it comes to the question on how to prepare your body for pregnancy, the essential thing that you always need to look forward is to “eat fresh”. As I said earlier, keep away from junk, packaged and processed foods. Whenever you eat something, make sure that it is fresh and clean.

4. Intake Prenatal Vitamin

This will make sure that you are acquiring sufficient folate, iron and other essential nutrients, which you as well as your baby require. Apart from prenatal vitamins, you must get complete calcium. On an average, calcium that you acquire should be 1000 mg/day but when it comes to pregnancy, calcium has to increase with 1500 mg/day.

5. Turn Towards Natural Hair & Skin Products

This is the ultimate time when you have to be very careful with things you apply. On an average, women apply over 160 chemicals to her body in a day. According to Canadian heavy metals report, they found harmful chemicals like nickel, lead, arsenic, selenium, thallium and cadmium in the makeup products. These involved eyeliner, mascara, eye shadow, lipstick, bronzer, blush, powder, lip-gloss and foundation. Therefore, avoid using such things when you are preparing yourself to get pregnant. Use cosmetics that are 100% natural.

6. Practice Yoga Every Day

One of the best answers that I can give to the question on how to prepare your body for pregnancy is to practice yoga. Today’s lives are full of stress and hectic schedules. To relieve your stress out, start practicing yoga each day. This will help you largely. Incorporate techniques like meditation or deep-belly breathing to have a calm mind and body.

7. Drink Plenty Of Water

When it comes to how to prepare your body for pregnancy, this is a point that I cannot miss to write about. Of course, you will have to drink plenty of water at this stage to ensure that you are fully hydrated. On an average, a human should drink 2 liters of water in minimum each day. On the other hand, pregnant woman should drink 3 liters of water in a day. It will not only keep you hydrated but sustains your skin elasticity later.

8. Intake Folic Acid

Your baby’s nervous system growth essentially requires this element. Folic acid helps in preventing brain damage and malformations. If you have decided to get pregnant then begin taking them. However, consult with your doctor first.

9. Prevent Those Stretch Marks

When you get pregnant, it is natural that your skin begins to stretch. If you want to help your skin to stretch without those marks then use organic body creams that are enriched with rosehip and Shea butter. You can even apply natural almond oil on your skin directly. Apart from these things, you need to start taking supplementary of vitamin A and vitamin E. You must never bathe with hot water, as it damages your delicate skin if it is too hot. It can even damage your growing baby inside. You can know more about how to get rid of stretch marks naturally, by clicking this link.

10. Have Balanced Diet

The next important step on how to prepare your body for pregnancy is none other than to intake balanced diet. People say that when you are pregnant, you must eat for 2. It is not true! What you literally eat, matters. You need to cut down caffeine, soda and sugar (not completely). Start consuming green leafy vegetables, fruits, nuts, wholesome grains etc.

11. Exercise

The next tip is on how to prepare your body for pregnancy is none other than to exercise regularly. Set a proper routine to exercise every day. Make it a habit! This will help you to stay fit, prepares your body to bare the pain and keeps you in proper shape. It is true that you cannot perform all the exercises during your pregnancy. Therefore, consult with your doctor regarding the activities to perform.

I hope I have presented a useful article and given out useful tips on how to prepare your body for pregnancy. Feel free to hit your comments.

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