How To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks Naturally & Fast?

How To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks Naturally & Fast?

Stretch marks are something that no human will like it! However, they appear even without welcoming and this can be truly frustrating. This article will help you in telling about how to get rid of stretch marks naturally and fast. Let us look about it in detail.

What Are Stretch Marks?

How to get rid of stretch marks naturally

A stretch mark is caused when your skin is expanded or stretched out very thinly. This causes micro tears at the surface. This kind of stretch marks can be frequently seen in your belly, thighs, legs etc. This happens whenever you gain weight. Talking about women, the reasons for stretch marks is none other than due to “Pregnancy”. This is the time when most of the stretch marks occur on the body. Many people think that a stretch mark is permanent. However, the fact is that they are not! It is possible to get rid of them and this is the reason why I have presented an article on it and therefore answering two questions – how to get rid of stretch marks naturally and how to get rid of stretch marks fast. Look at the remedies.

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How To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks Naturally?

  1. Rub your stretch marks with the help of Vitamin E oil. This will help your skin in being hydrated completely.
  2. Making use of homemade moisturizers every day on the affected parts has been proved beneficial. You can make this moisturizer by mixing 3 portions of Aloe Vera, Germ Oil and Olive Oil.
  3. Certain essential oils help you to massively eliminate stretch marks. These oils are none other than Lavender, Geranium, and Rose etc. You can either apply these essential oils directly on the affected parts or mix it along with pure coconut oil.
  4. The next remedy on how to get rid of stretch marks naturally is none other than lemon and glycerin. All you need to do is to put in few drops of glycerin on the lemon and then gently apply it on your affected parts. If you do this regularly twice in a day, it is certain to remove your stretch marks.
  5. The question on how to get rid of stretch marks naturally is incomplete without the ingredient Almond oil. One of the rich sources of vitamin E is none other than Almond Oil. You can apply this during the nighttime and leave it. This will give you effective results.
  6. Yet another best source of vitamin E is none other than Aloe Vera. You can take the juice of fresh Aloe Vera and apply it over the affected parts. This will help you to remove the stretch marks completely.
  7. Potato juice is one of the best remedies that act powerfully when it comes to the question on how to get rid of stretch marks naturally. All you need to do is to cut a fresh potato (of medium size) into slices. Rub the slice on the stretch marks for few minutes. Let the juice dry and wash it with warm water.
  8. Sugar is yet another important ingredient to use when it comes to how to get rid of stretch marks naturally. All you need to do is to combine 1 tablespoon sugar along with Almond oil and lemon juice. Apply this mixture on the affected part. Massage it for about ten to fifteen minutes before your shower. If you practice this for a month, it is certain to have your stretch marks lighter.

The above where the answers to the question – how to get rid of stretch marks naturally. On the other hand, if you want to go with some advanced techniques in order to get rid of them faster, then below are the options.

How To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks Fast?

  1. Wheat-germ oil:  This is one of the best ways as well as the ultimate home remedy to eliminate stretch marks. One recent research found that it helped to improve the process of eliminating stretch marks at their early stage.
  2. Glycolic acid:  It is alpha-hydroxy acid. It probably works on the stretch marks just by boosting up collagen production. It can even be administered with higher dosage by dermatologists. Treatment on average costs about $100 and even needs 3 or 4 office visits earlier than results appear.
  3. Vitamin C:  Few formulations containing vitamin C might increase the collagen production. It helps reducing stretch marks at an early-stage. For utmost effect, merge with the glycolic acid.
  4. Retinoids:  These have constantly shown effective results in enhancing elastic production and collagen during early stages. Nevertheless, you must prevent them if you are nursing or pregnant. Tretinoin, Retinol, Renova, Differin, Tazorac and Retin-A are few instances of retinoids.
  5. Laser treatment:  It is one of the best solutions, which answer the question on how to get rid of stretch marks fast.  This is a popular treatment alternative used by most of the dermatologists. “Lasers enhances in the synthesis of new, healthy collagen that is been damaged while stretch marks emerge,” For purple and red marks, most of them employ vascular lasers, which aim inflamed and swollen blood vessels. It assists with the production of skin cells and enhanced collagen production. Treatments usually need 3 to 6 sessions and on average, it rates $450/session.

I hope I have given out some useful information on how to get rid of stretch marks naturally and how to get rid of stretch marks fast. Try the home remedies and see the effective results. For advanced treatments, consult a good doctor.

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