In today’s time, the world has become too much competitive and our current generation is too busy in winning that competition. The result of this is continuous work for longer hours, lack of proper rest and sleep, improper diet plans is the way to deterioration of people’s health in several ways. More people are suffering from arthritis and other bone related diseases at very young ages than ever before. Not only this, because of longer working hours and lack of sleep, many people are prone to body ache, headache, and other health issues. Neglecting your health can be the biggest mistake you can ever do in your life. However, we cannot avoid our work, but we can avoid the pain in our body by taking some of the important medications. One such famous and prominent painkiller medication is ‘Ibuprofen’. Many of you may have heard the name, perhaps in medical journals, over the internet, or from your doctor, but for those who have no idea as to what ibuprofen is, might be going through a condition of dilemma. They might be thinking, why we need to take ibuprofen? Why only ibuprofen is the solution? Why can we not take any other medication to get relief from the pain? And, if ibuprofen is the only solution, how many ibuprofen can I take? Do not worry at all, the answers of all your questions are here in this article. So, just sit back, relax and clear all your doubts you have about ibuprofen. You will also know about the recommended doses, side effects and many important things in this article.
Ibuprofen- A Brief Introduction

Everything needs an introduction, so is the case with the medications. Hence, before we look into the other major aspects of it, let us have an overview of ibuprofen so that you can have a basic idea about this drug.
Medically, ibuprofen is a famous drug that is primarily used to provide relief from pain occurring in your body. It is a type of NSAID or Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug and is recommended by most of the doctors and healthcare professionals, in case you have body ache. Not only body ache, but it also is extremely effective in curing the headache, back pain, menstrual cramps, pain due to minor injury and even the toothache. It primarily works by dwindling down those hormones that are responsible for causing pain and inflammation inside our body.
An ideal person who can have the dose of ibuprofen is one who is at least six months old. However, it is always recommended, regardless of what your age is, to consult the doctor before taking even a minutest dose of Ibuprofen, because there are numerous hazardous effects of it that can be too dangerous for you. We will look into all the side effects and recommended dosage limits in details more in the article.
Things To Look For Before Taking The Dose Of Ibuprofen
There are many things, which one must take care of, before having the dose of ibuprofen. As there are numerous people out there who are allergic to NSAIDs, ibuprofens, and many other painkillers, you must also have an idea as what shows that whether you are or not allergic to ibuprofen.
Apart from being allergic to ibuprofen, the other things, which you must look for, are, for example, do you have a history of diseases related to heart, or have you been through the bypass surgery, also known as coronary artery bypass graft, or CABG. Taking ibuprofen may also increase the risk of strokes and fatal heart attacks, especially if you are having for longer times.
Ibuprofen may also affect critically your stomach and can cause intestinal or stomach bleeding, which can be devastating. The worst thing about this is, there are no prior warnings or signs you will see in your body related to the intestinal bleeding.
So, if we sum up all the conditions that you must look for before going to have a dose of ibuprofen, it comes like this. One more thing before it, please do not forget to consult your doctor or health care professional about it. So, let us have a look on the complete list.
• If you have a history of stroke, blood clot or a heart attack
• Have congestive heart failure, high blood pressure, and other heart diseases
• Have been through a history of stomach ulcers or even stomach bleeding
• Ever had kidney or liver related diseases
• Have any blood clotting or bleeding disorder
• If you smoke
• Have or had asthma, or
• Have systemic lupus erythematosus or simply SLE.
Recommended Dosage – How Much Ibuprofen Can You Take?
It is an important question and hence, you must carefully pay attention to. The recommended dosage, that the doctors or other healthcare professionals recommend for a full-grown adult is around 800 milligrams in a single dose or around 3200 milligrams in a day, which comes to around maximum four doses in a day. When it comes to giving ibuprofen to a child, everything depends on the child’s age and weight. However, the best option in such situation is to take your child to a doctor or a healthcare professional and take their advice. They are the best person who can tell you about the exact doses that you may need to give to your younger ones. When It Comes To Take Ibuprofen- The Correct Way As you already know that, there are numerous harmful effects of ibuprofen. So, you cannot afford to perform any act of carelessness and it would be great to have ibuprofen with the right procedure.
It is always recommended by the medical professionals to take ibuprofen along with milk or with food so that the effect of stomach upset can be dwindled down. However, if you are going with the oral suspension or the liquid form of ibuprofen, do not forget to shake it well before having it. The other important thing is to measure the exact dose as the doctors or healthcare professionals have recommended it to you. You can go for the medicine measuring devices, you can easily find in any pharmacist shops or from your doctor or healthcare professional. Some of the measuring devices include the dose-measuring spoon or medicine cup. And, if you are going for the chewable version of ibuprofen, then chew it completely and only then swallow it down, so that your body can have most of its benefit.
Side Effects Of Ibuprofen
There are many side effects of ibuprofen, listed below. If ever you see in someone or feel any of the below-mentioned side effects, immediately seek medical attention.
There are numerous other side effects those are not mentioned here. To get the complete information on side effects of ibuprofen, you can contact your doctor or healthcare professional for medical advice, or you can also contact FDA, Food and Drug Administration at 1-800-FDA-1088.
Some of the signs that will show you that you have the ibuprofen’s side effect are- hives, you may find difficulty in breathing, your lips, tongue, throat or face may get swollen. You can also have some of the symptoms like bloody, black or tarry stools; you may even cough up blood or vomit in the color that looks like coffee grounds, these represents that you are going through the stomach or intestinal bleeding.
Apart from all the above symptoms, some of the symptoms are there, which will grow slowly and gradually. These are:
• Upsetting of stomach, nausea, vomiting, a little heart burning
• Little rashes over your body or itching
• Ringing inside your ears
• Swelling up of your body parts and rapid gain in the weight
• Fever, headache, peeling of the skin, sore throat
• Neck stiffness, burgeoned sensitivity to light, chills, upper stomach pain
• Dark, little or no urine at all
• Loss of appetite, clay-colored stools, jaundice
So, these are some of the serious side effects that may affect you and your body. Please do not be careless and overlook these symptoms. If you feel anything, instantly go to a doctor or a healthcare professional, seek his advice and get yourself checked.
What To Avoid When Taking Ibuprofen?
This is another important thing that you cannot overlook. The answer is, avoid smoking or drinking alcohol at any cost while taking the doses of ibuprofen, as it may lead to stomach ulcers or stomach or intestinal bleeding.
If you have been through bypass surgery or have a history of heart attack, inform the same to your doctor so that he can suggest you some alternative, that will not be harmful to you. If you are on an aspirin dose, please maintain a gap between these two tablets. If you just have taken aspirin, have ibuprofen after eight hours, or have ibuprofen before 30 minutes prior to taking the aspirin.
So, it was all about Ibuprofen. It is important that you take care of all the factors, which have been informed in the article and follow the proper procedure. All the information that has been given in the article is for reference purpose. Please consult your doctor before going for the minutest dose of ibuprofen.
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