18 Creative Ways To Announce Pregnancy To Family

18 Creative Ways To Announce Pregnancy To Family

Are you ready to blast the news to the family? But still unsure how to do it the right way? We will tell you the finest creative ways to announce pregnancy to family. So, what’s cooking? Seriously! It is bland and boring to present the news without a tinge of drama. So, are you curious already how not to make the announcement anti-climatic? We will tell you how.

Here are 22 ways to keep that moment the best in your life. Hey! You mustn’t read half and head out already. Ensure you read all the way till number 22. Good luck announcing your pregnancy.

Creative Ways To Announce Pregnancy To Family

1. Announcing With Baby Books

If you have kids in the home already, you can prepare them using a children’s book. Indicate to them about the arrival of a sibling. If you do not have any children yet, you can take a picture of yourself posing with a baby names book and them spread the word. Am certain nobody can miss that.

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2. Spread The Word With Baby Shoes

Them tiny shoes can go a long way to telling the story of an expectant mother. So, why not use them to give the world a hint of your happiness?

3. Chalkboard Magic

There is nothing a chalkboard can’t do in terms of creativity. So, why not chalk your message and spread the word about your baby’s arrival. If you are willing to sacrifice a wall for your munchkin, you can experiment with chalkboard paint. It’ll help you keep it tad bit versatile

4. Announcing With Balloons

Take a handful of balloons and write your due date on those balloons and put them all over the place. Invite your unsuspecting friends for coffee and let them find out “Expect an unexpected pop!”

5. Hash Tags (#)

It takes skill to use the hashtags in a right manner, but if you know how, you will soon be using it to your advantage to announcing the pregnancy. Alternatively, you can use the hash signs to number your kids. That is, if this pregnancy is isn’t your first, you can write down # two on the sign.

6. Using Birth Year To Announce

You can write down the birth year of each member of your family when nobody is at home. You can use a chalkboard or a craft paper to get creative and make sure you put them on a wall that is prominently visible when your family returns home.

7. Road Signs

Who says road signs can’t announce pregnancy? NO, we aren’t referring to actual road signs but the part where you hold a creative sign that says “Bump Ahead” and taking a picture of your baby bump. The chances are when people spot you with a baby bump holding such a sign they get the message straight. Hey! After all isn’t that what a traffic sign is supposed to do?

8. Try The Countdown To Your Due Date

Now, isn’t it obvious to make the world stop and wonder what is happening when you start counting to something important let’s say… a baby? You can use countdown blocks, countdown maternity shirts, or a countdown paper chain.

9. “Baby on Board” sign

It is a straightforward approach to getting the message across. Just stick this easy to read sign on your car and drive around the block or you can just pose holding it. The chances are the message won’t be missed by those who read.

10. Using A Calendar To Announce

If you are somebody who would shy away from wanting to pose for a picture, you can try taking the picture of your due date marked on the calendar. Alternatively, you can also attach a picture of your ultrasound and baby shoes too. It will certainly light the bulbs in people’s mind.

11. The traditional “Bun in the Oven.”

It is one of the commonest expressions to announce a pregnancy. It’s simple, straight and unmistakable. So, take a picture of a bun in a real oven or rather you can choose to place the order for handmade salt dough buns and distribute it to your family and friends.

12. An Eviction Notice Maybe?

It is very clear that there is no stopping creativity. If you choose to take the hilarious way of conveying your pregnancy you should certainly try this method. When you little one is sleeping in the crib, snap a shot with a handwritten eviction notice asking to vacate the premises for the new occupant who is on the way.

13. Your Cravings Can Speak A Different Story

If you have cravings for certain foods like ice creams and pickles you can use that tell the world about your pregnancy. Snap photos of yourself feasting on your cravings. Certainly, a fun way to bring forth the spoiler alert.

14. Convey the Message Using Family Cups

If you have family cups for each member of the family, line them up for a photoshoot. Also, don’t forget to place a baby bottle along with your cups to convey that message upright. The newest addition will certainly need her family cup too or rather a baby bottle.

15. Empty Chair instead of cups

If you prefer having yourself in the frame, then instead of the family cups mentioned earlier, use chairs. Once all chairs are seated by occupants leave a tiny chair unoccupied. P.S. Who is it meant for? Any guesses?

16. Let Your Math Do The Talking

Math can leave many itching their heads. But, not if you do it the cute way. What is 1+1? 3 maybe? Oops! Is that you referring to a secret message? Maybe it is.

17. Use A Movie Poster To Announce The News

OK, for starters you will have to be aware of a little Photoshop. So if you are capable of designing basic things, you can use Photoshop to create an interesting poster starring your yet to arrive baby and send surprise emails to your family. Wait and find out how you will be applauded for your creativity.

18. The Prego Jar Magic

This one is truly interesting. Buy a Prego brand spaghetti sauce and let your family figure out the rest of the story.

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